Ica Zilahi

Zilahi Ica


Ica Maria Zilahi   

 Living and working in Budapest since 1991.

Having studied painting in my youth, I have begun to paint again after a 30 years pause.

The Artist’s credo

Every artist, painter and creator express their own faith and their own world concept in their work.

I use my own imaginary dreams and visual experiences to create my paintigs, my surreal dreamwork that also realistic and visionary at the same time, a borderline between reality and imagination and not only about me.

In my art the dolls, the sacred-grotesque figures cause the unexpected situation. Powerful, bright colors are the characteristics of my art.

I learned that art is only a tool to create atmosphere, to make unattainable available, to make intangible things tangible.

Painters whose works I cherish: Nicoletta Ceccoli, Tanya Mayers, Jana Brike, Ray Caesar.

Education :

  • 2009-2013 Budapesti Amatőr Alkotók Stúdiója (Budapest Amateur Artists Studio)

Master: Fiók László painter – graphic artist

  • 2009-2011 Budapesti Amatőr Alkotók Stúdiója (Budapest Amateur Artists Studio)

Master: Bálványos Huba graphic artist

  • 1976-1978 Arts University – graphic art section, Oradea, Romania

Master: Mottl Roman graphic artist


  • 12th May, 2013 First prize at Art-Feszt VI.
  • 1st April, 2012 Special prize at Art-Feszt V.
  • December 2011 – January2012 work selected for national exhibition by BMK for XXVII Month of Visual Arts – Amatőr Artium
  • 27th November, 2011 – awarded in the National Painting Contest OKIT
  • 26th August, 2011 – special prize from the Lectorate of Aplied Arts at the OKIT National Exhibition

…make the unreachable reachable…